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Bob van Gerven



INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOLOGY (Grade 6 Interest Block Program)
As a part of the interest block program, this curriculum is not only hands-on and fun, but highly relevant to students’ everyday lives. The goal is to give students a thorough and practical understanding of the importance of technology in both today’s and tomorrow’s world. Introduction to Technology is offered as the first Technology Education experience for middle school students. Students will study the basic elements of all technology, including processes, energy, information, and people. The four primary systems of technology provide the context for the study of technological systems (i.e., communication, construction, manufacturing, and transportation).


Technological Systems 7 is an exploratory course designed to further students’ knowledge of the world of technology around them. This experience builds upon what they have learned in the interest block program; however, it is not mandatory that they have had that class. Students will study the basic elements of all technology, including processes, energy, information, and people. The four primary systems of technology provide the context for the study of technological systems (i.e. communication, construction, manufacturing, and transportation).


Students will begin by learning what Technological systems are. They will then learn a variety of skills that are required to problem solve using technological systems. They will work cooperatively to solve real world challenges and create systems that produce the desired outcomes. It may be that they, and their teammates, need to create an amusement park, design a mass production system, develop electrical circuits, complete a hydraulic system, or program a robot operated assembly line. The specific skills needed will depend on the particular challenge, however, each challenge will require students to cooperate with teammates, design a solution, create a prototype, and produce a model or
finished product. Specific skills include, coding, CAD and other modeling software, problem solving, and working cooperatively with others.

Students will be asked to solve real world problems while learning a wide variety of skills ranging from writing Computer Program Code to using hand tools safely. They will start by learning elements of design and how to use a CAD program. They will then produce their designs using either traditional methods, 3D printing, 3D router, a laser cutter, or a combination of these output devices. Students will be challenged to create unique and creative solutions to open ended real world problems. In addition, they will explore career opportunities and begin the process of exploring tomorrow’s careers.


Students will be challenged to capture, modify and utilize images while creatively solving real world problems and creating one of a kind digital images, posters, brochures, movies and presentations. Using cameras and other digital devices, students are taught the basics of taking good photographs. They will learn elements of design and how to use their pictures in a variety of ways. They will learn to use several programs to both edit and enhance their pictures, as well as create interesting publications. They will use digital printing techniques to produce a wide variety of products. Finished products may include tee shirts, mugs, or portraits. Digital Imaging uses modern techniques to produce real world outcomes.


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