World Languages
Students will explore languages, culture, geography and other information related to current World Language offerings in Roanoke County Public Schools (French, Latin, Spanish and German).
French I provides the beginning-level student with immediately useful language skills in French. It allows maximum conversational interaction both among students and between teacher and student. Speaking, reading, listening, and writing activities, based on real-life situations, are incorporated throughout the program. The student explores culture through authentic readings and digital media.
First year Latin provides the student with an opportunity to learn the vocabulary and grammar of Latin, while emphasizing its influence and its relationship to English. In addition to basic language skills, there is a strong emphasis on ancient Roman culture, history, and civilization. A Latin student will develop reasoning skills, study habits, concentration, and increase his or her English vocabulary and writing skills.
Spanish I provides the beginning-level student with immediately useful language skills in Spanish. It allows maximum conversational interaction both among students and between teacher and student. Speaking, reading, listening, and writing activities, based on real-life situations, are incorporated throughout the program. The student explores culture through authentic readings and digital media.
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