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Your HVMS Library

Welcome to the HVMS Library!

Hours: 8:20am - 3:30pm

Find a Book:


Destiny Discover Catalog button

Looking for a book to check out? Use the HVMS Destiny Discover Catalog 🡑 to find physical books in our library.

If you'd like to see what books you have checked out, put books on hold, or see our ebooks/Lightbox books, you will need to sign in on the top right-hand side of the screen in Destiny. Please use your laptop username & login. 

Catalog Note for Parents

The video linked below explains how to access the newest books added to your child’s school library catalog. If you have any concerns regarding a book, please email Ms. Rowland with the title, author, and any restrictions you would like placed for your child. If the "22-23 New Book" list is not visible, your librarian has not recently added books.

RCPS Parent Video: How to View the Newest Additions to the School Library

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